
Tuesday 2 February 2010

GOals for 2010 Aussie ski season

I usually set myself some goals I'd like to acheive each season, be it improve my ability to hold an edge and carve, or preferably get better in cruddy or powder snow (not that we get much of it in Oz).

So this season in Oz:

  • Do more slackcountry skiing
    • Paralyser
    • Mt Wheatly
    • Signature hill
    • Ramsheads
  • Let go of the fear of going too fast in soft snow (powder) and thinking I won't be able to turn or stop if I go too fast.
  • Get up the hill earlier so I don't just get tracked out nice snow, first tracks more often!
Laugh away people at the last one, but it is possible, I used to get up and be there at 7.30am to have breaky at Brunelli's and be in the queue ages before the lift opened.

1 comment:

  1. Almost snowy time, just dropping by to make sure you do not forget your goals, they all sound great to me!

    I am looking forward to skiing with everyone again this year, bring on the slack country!
